Hyperledger is a global blockchain collaboration hub created and hosted by nonprofit The Linux Foundation. Its members are leaders in finance, banking, the Internet of Things, supply chains, manufacturing and technology.Now two years in, Hyperledger compares closely to the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance. Hyperledger is a hub for communities of software developers building blockchain frameworks and platforms. These developers, on the other hand, are a mix of individuals and teams from organizations around the world.The organization itself is not affiliated with Bitcoin, Ethereum or any digital currency. Unlike some other collaborations, this hub had a major backer, Linux, behind them from the outset.
The group is an open source alliance. This means the blockchain technologies and software developed by, and in collaboration with, the project are open source. This sits in contrast to many private blockchain groups and consortiums that keep innovations to themselves.Hyperledger believes that only an open source approach can “ensure the ensure the transparency, longevity, interoperability and support required to bring blockchain technologies forward to mainstream commercial adoption.”Premier members, contributing at least $250,000 per year, include IBM, Intel, and American Express. Hyperledger general membership includes numerous blockchain companies and those looking to utilize blockchain technology.Hyperledger also affiliate with associate members including the Blockchain Research Institute and the Chamber of Digital Commerce.The organization’s goals are to create enterprise grade distributed ledger frameworks and build technical communities to develop blockchain and shared ledger applications and deployments. They aim to provide a neutral, open and supported community, and to educate the public about the market opportunity for blockchain technology.
The Linux Foundation created Hyperledger to become the Linux of the blockchain ecosystem, independent of bitcoin or ethereum, and open source. IBM and Intel share this ethos and both contributed their own code to the project.Linux as a technology is the most widely used free and open source operating system, independent of Windows or Mac. Developers can use, modify, and distribute its underlying source code both commercially and non-commercially. This philosophy seems to be one that Hyperledger will continue into the blockchain economy. The Linux Foundation has partnered with edX, founded by Harvard and MIT, to develop a free course which begun on October 24th, entitled "Blockchain for Business - An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies."The course is an introduction to the Hyperledger ecosystem, teaching uses, how to install its frameworks, and how to build simple applications with them. It’s also an advocacy tool for contributing to the project.
The Hyperledger’s first published framework, Fabric, released as version 1.0 in July 2017 as a production-ready, open source, distributed ledger platform and is the bedrock for the project. Hyperledger Fabric providers companies with modular ready-made solutions.Further frameworks include Sawtooth, for building user facing blockchain applications and Indy, an identity management framework.Hyperledger has huge aspirations. It’s backers include technology giants, and the project provides blockchain collaboration equally for both large and small organizations. The network itself is a trusted blockchain. Multiple organizations, including some of the world’s core financial institutions, see its potential to impact blockchain adopters globally.Image credit: Hyperledger
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