July is a special month at Coinsquare... because we're giving back! All month long, we're going to be giving some lucky winners DOGE. Follow us on social media for prizes every week as well as a special grand prize at the end of the month! üêï.*InstagramTwitterFacebookTrading DOGE is also easier (and more fun) on your phone so make sure you've downloaded the Quick Trade app.Download Quick TradeOur giveaway started on July 2nd, 2021 and we saw a tremendous response. Thank you to everyone who participated! We still have 3 more weeks to go, so keep trying! Here are our winners so far:Week 1Weekly Giveaway 1NelsonDaiily Giveaway 1MahmoudDaily Giveaway 2JoshWeek 2Weekly Giveaway 2KristiDaily Giveaway 3EricDaily Giveaway 4PatrickWeek 3Weekly Giveaway 3RolandDaily Giveaway 5PriscillaDaily Giveaway 6TerryWeek 4Grand PrizeUnclaimedTerms & conditions here.