Coinsquare Launches Coin Capital Investment Management Inc. to Help Canadians Invest in Emerging Technology

Coincapital was recently granted OSC registration and partnered with STOXX to launch two indices that track companies focused on blockchain, AI, and other emerging technologiesTodayCoinsquare,Canada'spremier cryptocurrency trading platform for trading Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies, announced the launch of its subsidiaryCoin Capital Investment Management Inc(Coincapital) and registration of Coincapital by the OSC as an exempt market dealer, investment fund manager, and portfolio manager. This new division will offer a suite of investment products focused on emerging technologies including blockchain, artificial intelligence, and cryptocurrencies. The division also recently signed a partnership with Deutsche Boerse Group's index provider STOXX to launch two indices; one focused on AI and biotech and the other focused on blockchain technologies."There is a strong appetite for investors to access growth in the technology sector, but not enough specialized or niche offerings available to them," saidLewis Bateman, the CEO of Coincapital. "We are at a critical inflection point in the technology sector and Coincapital is perfectly positioned, given its relationship to Coinsquare and deep sector expertise, to take advantage of the next phase of industry growth."The first index is the iSTOXX Developed Markets B.R.AI.N. Index. It went live onJuly 26th, 2018, and tracks a diversified portfolio of global securities focused on the biotech, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology sectors.The second index set to be built is the STOXX Yewno Developed Markets Blockchain Index, which tracks the blockchain technology sector. The index uses proprietary AI algorithms to identify companies that invest heavily into blockchain technologies."With the launch of Coincapital, we will leverage our knowledge of the emerging technology sector to provide an excellent investment opportunity for Canadians across a wide range of high growth assets," saidCole Diamond, CEO of Coinsquare. "When it comes to emerging technologies, investors are excited about the opportunity but should not trust generic ETF firms chasing the next big trend. Coincapital solves that problem by bringing deep sector expertise to the table."Coinsquare also recently announced the launch of Coinsquare Licensing, a division of Coinsquare that will enable domestic and international businesses to offer a cryptocurrency trading solution powered by Coinsquare's technology. The launch included apartnershipwithVancouver-based DLTα 21, a leading global blockchain investment bank, to launch a cryptocurrency trading platform inJapanusing Coinsquare's white labelled technology.Social CoinsquareCoinsquare isCanada'spremier cryptocurrency trading platform for trading Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. Since our founding in 2014, we've never lost a coin.Remaining steadfastly focused on transparency, risk mitigation, and building an open-minded culture, Coinsquare is on a mission to grow into a multi-faceted financial services company anchored in blockchain technology.