Blockchains and Bagels: the morning market update to get you ready for the day ahead. Today, Bloomberg highlights concerns over unusual Tether trading on Kraken. OSC published a report on digital asset ownership in Ontario.
Bloomberg has released a report on unusual tether trading activity on Kraken. They find the most common trade sizes by a significant margin are in the quantities of 75, 1000 and 13076.389. The authors raise the possibility of wash trading as large purchases or sales outside of normal volume had little market impact.
The Ontario Securities Commission has published a study breaking down digital asset ownership in the province. The OSC estimates 500,000 Ontarians own digital assets or roughly 5% of the population. A barrier to entry continues to be widespread knowledge and understanding of the space.
IBM has developed a blockchain platform starter kit to help companies start proofs-of-concept more quickly. The toolkit is built on Hyperledger and includes a test environment, education tools, and one-click network provisioning.
General Reinsurance Corporation, Hannover Re, and China Re will jointly develop a blockchain platform to increase transparency in the industry. Currently, information asymmetry creates inefficiencies that raise the cost of reinsurance. The group believes by making transactions transparent will help to reduce these inefficiencies.
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